Fuel System


  • Growing collection of rare original manuals
Fuel System


Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven, Submerged, Water Injection Pump - Model RG11870 and RR11870A Series
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven, Submerged, Water Injection Pump - Model RG11870 and RR11870A Series
No. 418
Handbook of Operation and Service Instructions for Turbine Driven Superchargers
Handbook of Operation and Service Instructions for Turbine Driven Superchargers
T.O. No. 03-10DA-2
Overhaul Instructions for Engine Driven Fuel Boost Pump - Part 23900 and 50138
Overhaul Instructions for Engine Driven Fuel Boost Pump - Part 23900 and 50138
Overhaul Instructions w Parts List for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Overhaul Instructions w Parts List for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Pub No. BDN3471
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Shut-Off Valve
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Shut-Off Valve
AN 03-10-52
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Shuttle Valve - A22
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Shuttle Valve - A22
NAVAIR 03-10HF-501
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Inst w/ Parts Catalog for Submerged Type Booster Pumps
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Inst w/ Parts Catalog for Submerged Type Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EC-14
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Inspection of Stromberg injection Carburetors Following 6 Months to 1 Year Storage
Inspection of Stromberg injection Carburetors Following 6 Months to 1 Year Storage
Service Bulletin No. 668
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-533
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
NAVAER 03-10HC-502
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pump - Series 7900
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pump - Series 7900
T.O. No. 6R5-2-23-4
Weldon Fluid Metering Pumps - Model C4033
Weldon Fluid Metering Pumps - Model C4033
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch - M-943
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch - M-943
NAVAER 03-10-631
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Filter Assembly - 54-1459-001, 54-1459-002, 54-1459-003, and 54-1459-004
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Filter Assembly - 54-1459-001, 54-1459-002, 54-1459-003, and 54-1459-004
NAVAER 03-10A-512
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Electric Regulator Type C-6
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Electric Regulator Type C-6
AN 03-10DA-30
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 5447915-503 and 5447915-505
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 5447915-503 and 5447915-505
NAVWEPS 03-10M-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model 201700-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model 201700-2
T.O. No. 6J10-3-90-4
General Repair Procedure for Self Sealing Fuel and Oil Cells
General Repair Procedure for Self Sealing Fuel and Oil Cells
Overhaul for Pressure Switch - Part 42D185
Overhaul for Pressure Switch - Part 42D185
No. 73-30-07
Overhaul Instructions for Fueling and Defueling Unit Assembly - Parts 42-1137-000, 42-1137-001
Overhaul Instructions for Fueling and Defueling Unit Assembly - Parts 42-1137-000, 42-1137-001
NAVAER 03-10A-505
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal, Submerged, Single Stage Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR52270
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal, Submerged, Single Stage Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR52270
List No. 941.7
Overhaul Instructions for 300 Gallon Fuel Tank Assembly
Overhaul Instructions for 300 Gallon Fuel Tank Assembly
Overhaul Instructions for Selector Cocks
Overhaul Instructions for Selector Cocks
AN 03-10-75
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
AN 03-10EC-32
Handbook of Service Instructions for Injection Carburetors
Handbook of Service Instructions for Injection Carburetors
AN 03-10BA-2
Operation, Service, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valve - Model 2014
Operation, Service, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valve - Model 2014
NAVAER 03-10-520
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Shut Off Valve - 1518A
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Shut Off Valve - 1518A
AN 03-10LFA-3
Flow Bench Stromberg Injection Carburetor Modification
Flow Bench Stromberg Injection Carburetor Modification
No. 682
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Overhaul Instructions for Water Injection Pump - Model RG8825J
Overhaul Instructions for Water Injection Pump - Model RG8825J
T.O. No. 6R5-2-20-13
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-87
Parts List for Air-Loaded Fuel Pressure Regulator Assembly - 54A20 Series
Parts List for Air-Loaded Fuel Pressure Regulator Assembly - 54A20 Series
Parts List No. 54A20-X3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Fuel Boost Pump - Parts 23900 and 50138
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Fuel Boost Pump - Parts 23900 and 50138
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Parts 60-371A, 60-371B, 60-371C
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Parts 60-371A, 60-371B, 60-371C
T.O. No. 6J10-3-102-4
Identification Marking of Winterized Submerged Type Fuel Booster Pumps
Identification Marking of Winterized Submerged Type Fuel Booster Pumps
T.O. No. 03-10EC-12
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Model RR-9110 and RR-15780
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Model RR-9110 and RR-15780
AN 03-10LDA-12
Parts Price List for Check Valve 4 1/2 inch - Model M956-3
Parts Price List for Check Valve 4 1/2 inch - Model M956-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Pressure Switches - Series 90000
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Pressure Switches - Series 90000
NAVAER 03-10-618
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Hydro-Metering Carburetor Model 58CPB-4
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Hydro-Metering Carburetor Model 58CPB-4
AN 03-10BF-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1007
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1007
NAVAER 03-10EN-503
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valves
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valves
AN 03-10-39
Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Model MA-3A
Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Model MA-3A
Folder No. 157
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part 52-2145-001
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part 52-2145-001
NAVWEPS 03-10-180
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Three Way Selector Valve - Parts AV-13A1120, AV-13A1127 and AV-13A1138
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Three Way Selector Valve - Parts AV-13A1120, AV-13A1127 and AV-13A1138
NAVAER 03-10ABB-711
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Motor-Driven Fuel Booster Pumps
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Motor-Driven Fuel Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EC-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
NAVAER 03-10LDA-502
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Form No. 15-71
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control - Models 400270, 400470
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control - Models 400270, 400470
AN 03-10FAB-1
Overhaul Manual for Pressure Relief Valve - 6P112-1 and 6P112-11
Overhaul Manual for Pressure Relief Valve - 6P112-1 and 6P112-11
No. 28-30-4
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1 and TF-53300-3
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1 and TF-53300-3
AN 03-10EC-64
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - 5805 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - 5805 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Auxiliary Gasoline Engines
Overhaul Instructions for Auxiliary Gasoline Engines
T.O. No. 03-1-6, Chapter 17 Part B
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type D-3 Fuel System Unit
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type D-3 Fuel System Unit
T.O. No. 03-10A-2
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Model TB131300-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Model TB131300-3
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-77
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - Parts 41-2036-002, 41-2036-003, and 41-2036-004
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - Parts 41-2036-002, 41-2036-003, and 41-2036-004
NAVAIR 03-110FK-14
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Filler Cap and Adapter Assembly - M-2774
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Filler Cap and Adapter Assembly - M-2774
AN 03-10-123
Service and Maintenance Instructions for Auxiliary Gasoline Engines
Service and Maintenance Instructions for Auxiliary Gasoline Engines
T.O. No. 03-1-6, Chapter 17 Part A
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Air Pressure Switch - Type PG214B
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Air Pressure Switch - Type PG214B
NAVAER 03-10-602
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 52-1980-001
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 52-1980-001
NAVWEPS 03-10A-18
Overhaul Instructions for Refueling & Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Refueling & Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EC-29
Illustrated Parts for Submerged Booster Pump - Model 201700-2
Illustrated Parts for Submerged Booster Pump - Model 201700-2
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-82, T.O. No. 6J10-3-90-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Form No. 15-71
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Direct Fuel Injection System
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Direct Fuel Injection System
AN 03-10CA-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Refueling & Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Refueling & Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EC-30
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Model TF-54900-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Model TF-54900-1
AN 03-10EC-53
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Differential Pressure Switch - Part A-301-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Differential Pressure Switch - Part A-301-1
NAVAER 03-10-558
Inspection of Diaphragms in Storage Prior to Use
Inspection of Diaphragms in Storage Prior to Use
No. 697
Modification of Primer on 58CPB-4 Carburetor
Modification of Primer on 58CPB-4 Carburetor
T.O. No. 03-10BF-5
Service Instructions with Parts List for Fuel Boost Pump - Part S2818C
Service Instructions with Parts List for Fuel Boost Pump - Part S2818C
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1
AN 03-10EC-64
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Relief Valve Assembly Part No. 32-1002
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Relief Valve Assembly Part No. 32-1002
NAVAER 03-30CG-504
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Type PR-115-5 - Part 53038-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Type PR-115-5 - Part 53038-2
NAVAER 03-10-632
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part RR-11810A
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part RR-11810A
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-36
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Engine Fuel Strainers - Parts 5-1250-1 and 5-1250-51
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Engine Fuel Strainers - Parts 5-1250-1 and 5-1250-51
NAVAER 03-10-583
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Dual Float Switch - F-8150 and F-8150-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Dual Float Switch - F-8150 and F-8150-2
NAVAER 03-10-628
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-9G1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-9G1
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-98
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Manually Operated Slide Shut-Off Valve - Part 116665
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Manually Operated Slide Shut-Off Valve - Part 116665
Preliminary Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type D-6 Fuel System Unit
Preliminary Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type D-6 Fuel System Unit
T.O. No. 03-10A-3
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Vent Float Valve - Part 40F104
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Vent Float Valve - Part 40F104
No. 28-10-04
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-501
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Gasket and Diaphragm Sets, Discontinuance
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Gasket and Diaphragm Sets, Discontinuance
No. 771
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Model 122948-100-01 and 122948-100-02
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Model 122948-100-01 and 122948-100-02
NAVWEPS 03-10EA-88
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Model RG5200F - Type AN4101
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Model RG5200F - Type AN4101
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-12
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Counter Model No. C55, C55A, C55B, C55B1, C55D
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Counter Model No. C55, C55A, C55B, C55B1, C55D
NAVWEPS 03-10RB-502
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve - Part 33191
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve - Part 33191
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Motor Actuated Slide Shut-Off Valve Assembly - Part WE-450-1-1-4D
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Motor Actuated Slide Shut-Off Valve Assembly - Part WE-450-1-1-4D
T.O. 6R9-12-2-3
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12040
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12040
No. TP-467
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF54500, TF54500-1, and TF54500-6
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF54500, TF54500-1, and TF54500-6
NAVAER 03-10EC-514
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Water Injection Shut Off Valve - 1518A
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Water Injection Shut Off Valve - 1518A
AN 03-10LFA-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps - Models 122132-010-01 and 122132-020-01
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps - Models 122132-010-01 and 122132-020-01
AN 03-10EA-66
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF57000-1, TF59700, and TF59700-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF57000-1, TF59700, and TF59700-1
AN 03-10EC-69
Maintenance Instructions for Air Loaded Fuel Pressure Regulator - Series 54A20, 65A87 and 03C11
Maintenance Instructions for Air Loaded Fuel Pressure Regulator - Series 54A20, 65A87 and 03C11
Instruction Part No. 98A73
Parts Catalog for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
Parts Catalog for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
AN 6J10-3-10-3 (Formerly 03-10EC-23)
Overhaul Instructions for External Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for External Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-528
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - Parts 41-1844-001, 41-1844-002, 41-1844-003, and 41-2036-002
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - Parts 41-1844-001, 41-1844-002, 41-1844-003, and 41-2036-002
T.O. No. 6J15-4-28-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gallon - Parts 5556400, 5556400-501, and 5556400-503
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gallon - Parts 5556400, 5556400-501, and 5556400-503
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Filters Types PR-255 and PR-255-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Filters Types PR-255 and PR-255-1
AN 03-10-59
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1
AN 03-10EC-64
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump - Model 121812 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump - Model 121812 Series
T.O. No. 6J10-3-3-4, AN 03-10EA-40
Type Designation for Eclipse Supercharger Regulators
Type Designation for Eclipse Supercharger Regulators
T.O. No. 03-10D-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gal - Parts 5556400 and 5556400-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gal - Parts 5556400 and 5556400-501
NAVAER 03-10JE-4
Installation of Filters and Operation of Airplanes Equipped with Carburetor Air Filters
Installation of Filters and Operation of Airplanes Equipped with Carburetor Air Filters
T.O. No. 01-1-13
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-88
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Gasoline Injection System Model 58-18-A1B
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Gasoline Injection System Model 58-18-A1B
AN 03-10CB-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts List for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Part AP-25
Overhaul Instructions with Parts List for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Part AP-25
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Counter - Models C55, C55A, C55B, C55B1 and C55D
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Counter - Models C55, C55A, C55B, C55B1 and C55D
NAVWEPS 03-10RB-502
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Switch - Part F-70885X1
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Switch - Part F-70885X1
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Booster Pumps
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EA-2
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Model RR-9110
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Model RR-9110
AN 03-10LDA-12
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Shutoff Valve Assembly - U-9500
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Shutoff Valve Assembly - U-9500
NAVAER 03-10-581
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centerline Wing Tip Tank - Part 634100-1, -2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centerline Wing Tip Tank - Part 634100-1, -2
NAVAER 03-10JC-2
Inspection of Aircraft Fuel Systems for Aromatic Resistance
Inspection of Aircraft Fuel Systems for Aromatic Resistance
T.O. No. 01-1-293
Replacement of Seal Assemblies and Diaphragms - AN4100 (G-6) and AN4101 (G-9)
Replacement of Seal Assemblies and Diaphragms - AN4100 (G-6) and AN4101 (G-9)
T.O. No. 03-10ED-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
AN 03-10BA-87
Incorporation of Replaceable Diaphragm Type Poppet Valve on Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Incorporation of Replaceable Diaphragm Type Poppet Valve on Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Service Bulletin No. 740 (Rev. 2)
Handbook of Service Instructions for Carburetors
Handbook of Service Instructions for Carburetors
AN 03-10BC-2
Overhaul Instructions for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024693 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024693 Series
NAVWEPS 03-10EA-99, T.O. No. 6J10-5-6-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump - Model RG-5490-E
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump - Model RG-5490-E
NAVAER 03-10EB-508
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Electric Primer Unit Solenoid Washer Replacement
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Electric Primer Unit Solenoid Washer Replacement
No. 825
Setting Specification s for Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Setting Specification s for Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Overhaul for Motor Operated Shutoff Valves
Overhaul for Motor Operated Shutoff Valves
T.O. No. 6J15-10-30-3
Operation and Inspection of Fuel Selector Valve and Controls
Operation and Inspection of Fuel Selector Valve and Controls
T.O. No. 03-10-13
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Poppet Relief Valves - Parts 132665 and 132665-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Poppet Relief Valves - Parts 132665 and 132665-1
NAVWEPS 03-10ABW-518
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for High Pressure Engine Selector Valve - Model 114311
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for High Pressure Engine Selector Valve - Model 114311
NAVAER 03-10-547
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Electric Primer Unit Needle Replacement
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Electric Primer Unit Needle Replacement
No. 803
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Fueling Manifold Check Valve - Part 413015
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Fueling Manifold Check Valve - Part 413015
NAVAER 03-1-616
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-904-SG
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-904-SG
NAVAER 03-10-574
Overhaul Instructions w Parts Breakdown for Fuel Line Transfer Pump - Series RG15150
Overhaul Instructions w Parts Breakdown for Fuel Line Transfer Pump - Series RG15150
T.O. No. 6J10-3-67-43
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
15-Feb-1962, FWAM
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions w Parts Catalog for Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve - Model K-1125D
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions w Parts Catalog for Oil Dilution Solenoid Valve - Model K-1125D
NAVAER 03-15-541
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-17
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Booster Pump - Models TB117300-3, TB117300-5, and 245200-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Booster Pump - Models TB117300-3, TB117300-5, and 245200-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-74, T.O. No. 6J10-3-110-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-9F1
Form No. 15-71
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
T.O. No. 6R5-2-22-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Part 125027-100
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Part 125027-100
NAVAIR 03-110DAA-23
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-12F5 - Part 395481-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-12F5 - Part 395481-2
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-115
Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps
Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps
AN 03-10ED-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Sump Tank Assembly - 200-48208
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Sump Tank Assembly - 200-48208
Overhaul Instructions for Float Switch - Part F-2702
Overhaul Instructions for Float Switch - Part F-2702
NAVAER 03-10-562
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Double End Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Part 60-057C
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Double End Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Part 60-057C
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-7, T.O. No. 6J10-3-111-3
Preliminary Handbook of Instructions for Type A-7 Supercharger Regulator
Preliminary Handbook of Instructions for Type A-7 Supercharger Regulator
T.O. No. 03-10D-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Power Driven Rotary Fuel Transfer Pump - Model RG15150
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Power Driven Rotary Fuel Transfer Pump - Model RG15150
No. 101-001
Overhaul Instructions for Fueling and Defueling Unit Assembly - Parts 42-1137-000 and 42-1137-001
Overhaul Instructions for Fueling and Defueling Unit Assembly - Parts 42-1137-000 and 42-1137-001
NAVAER 03-10A-505
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
Overhaul for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
T.O. No. 6R5-2-22-3
Overhaul Manual for Fill Valve - Part 12D124-3 and 12D124-4
Overhaul Manual for Fill Valve - Part 12D124-3 and 12D124-4
No. 38-10-1
Overhaul Instructions for Magnetic Valve - Types G104A, G104C, and G104D
Overhaul Instructions for Magnetic Valve - Types G104A, G104C, and G104D
AN 03-10ABB-5, T.O. No. 6R9-10-7-3, Formerly T.O. No. 03-10ABB-5
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Boost Pump - Part 122723-113-01
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Boost Pump - Part 122723-113-01
NAVAER 03-10EA-526
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps
AN 03-10ED-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Windshield Wiper System Components - Speed Control XW2331-3 and 20893-1 - Control Unit XW2069-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Windshield Wiper System Components - Speed Control XW2331-3 and 20893-1 - Control Unit XW2069-3
NAVWEPS 03-10-609
Parts Catalog for Tip Tank Fuel Transfer Switch Assembly - Model 10000-1
Parts Catalog for Tip Tank Fuel Transfer Switch Assembly - Model 10000-1
AN 03-10-128
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Portable Submerged Bilge Pump - Model RR11600B
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Portable Submerged Bilge Pump - Model RR11600B
NAVAER 03-10LDA-14
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for 60 Gallon Fuel Tanks - Parts 501800 and 501800-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for 60 Gallon Fuel Tanks - Parts 501800 and 501800-501
NAVWEPS 03-10JL-4, T.O. No. 6J14-2-21-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11640C
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11640C
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve - Part 3-3792
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve - Part 3-3792
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-88
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Removal of Fuel Analyzers on UC and Training Type Airplanes
Removal of Fuel Analyzers on UC and Training Type Airplanes
T.O. No. 01-1-188
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part 52-2145-009
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part 52-2145-009
NAVWEPS 03-10A-21
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-10
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Selector Valves
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Selector Valves
NAVAER 03-10-534
Overhaul Instructions for Float Carburetor Model NA-R7A used on Jacobs R755 Engines
Overhaul Instructions for Float Carburetor Model NA-R7A used on Jacobs R755 Engines
Form 15-67B
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 65022-6
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 65022-6
NAVAER 03-10A-507
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Types B-5B, B-5C, B-18, B-19 and B-25
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Types B-5B, B-5C, B-18, B-19 and B-25
T.O. No. 6R5-2-4-23, Formerly 03-10EC-25
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-529
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for 370 Gallon Fuel Tank - Parts 501700 and 501700-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for 370 Gallon Fuel Tank - Parts 501700 and 501700-501
Overhaul Manual with Parts Catalog for Manually Operated Rotary Plug Valve - AV-16D1120B, AV-16D1121B, and AV-16F1103
Overhaul Manual with Parts Catalog for Manually Operated Rotary Plug Valve - AV-16D1120B, AV-16D1121B, and AV-16F1103
No. 28-1-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Fuel Selector Valve - 1 inch - Assembly No. 413555-1, 413555-2, and 413555-3
Fuel Selector Valve - 1 inch - Assembly No. 413555-1, 413555-2, and 413555-3
Test Procedure No. 114331
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valves - Models 1318 and 1318-1
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valves - Models 1318 and 1318-1
NAVAER 03-10-530
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
T.O. 6J10-3-10-3, (Formerly 03-10EC-31)
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Fuel Booster Pump - TB107400, TB107400-1, TB107400-2, and TB107400-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Fuel Booster Pump - TB107400, TB107400-1, TB107400-2, and TB107400-3
NAVAER 03-10EC-527
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Disconnect - Part A10245-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Disconnect - Part A10245-1
NAVAER 03-10ABX-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuselage Tank Vent Valve m- Part 763700-11
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuselage Tank Vent Valve m- Part 763700-11
Overhaul Instructions for 400 Gallon Fuel Tank - Parts 5556400, 5556400-501, and 5556400-503
Overhaul Instructions for 400 Gallon Fuel Tank - Parts 5556400, 5556400-501, and 5556400-503
Parts Catalog for Adapter Valve, Safety Cap, and Dual Diaphragm Unit - Part 1322-527058, 8-850-3
Parts Catalog for Adapter Valve, Safety Cap, and Dual Diaphragm Unit - Part 1322-527058, 8-850-3
AN 03-10-165
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR52270
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR52270
No. 864
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tank Vent Valves Part No. 1362, 2630325
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tank Vent Valves Part No. 1362, 2630325
T.O. No. 6J15-8-105-3, NAVWEPS 03-30CG-104
Overhaul Instructions for External Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for External Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-528
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Engine Fuel Strainers - Parts 5-1250-1 and 5-1250-51
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Engine Fuel Strainers - Parts 5-1250-1 and 5-1250-51
NAVAER 03-10-583
Overhaul Instructions for Manually Operated Gate Valve - AV-16A Series - Part AV-16A1134
Overhaul Instructions for Manually Operated Gate Valve - AV-16A Series - Part AV-16A1134
NAVAER 03-10ABB-702
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Portable Submerged Bilge Pump - Model RR11600B
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Portable Submerged Bilge Pump - Model RR11600B
NAVAER 03-10LDA-14
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-12K18
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-12K18
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-102
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Model 122948-110-01
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Motor Driven Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Model 122948-110-01
NAVWEPS 03-10EA-95
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Pump - Model RG8825J
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Pump - Model RG8825J
T.O. No. 6R5-2-20-14
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type E-5 (Series D) Fuel Valve
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type E-5 (Series D) Fuel Valve
AN 03-10-8
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vent Relief Valve - Part 3003-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vent Relief Valve - Part 3003-1
NAVAER 03-10PAD-501
Use of Carburetor Air Screens
Use of Carburetor Air Screens
T.O. No. 01-1-70
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
T.O. No. 6J10-3-10-3, (Formerly 03-10EC-31)
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11250, RG11250A, and RG11250A1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11250, RG11250A, and RG11250A1
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-511
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
AN 03-10EM-12, T.O. No. 6R5-2-17-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Transfer Pump - Electric Motor Driven - Models RG-7900-2A, RG-7900-2B
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Transfer Pump - Electric Motor Driven - Models RG-7900-2A, RG-7900-2B
1-June-1954, FWAM
NAVAER 03-10EW-501
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Selector Valves - Cylindrical Plug Type
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Selector Valves - Cylindrical Plug Type
AN 03-10AB-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-12, T.O. No. 6J10-3-115-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor-Driven Water Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor-Driven Water Injection Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-533
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fluid Metering Pumps - Parts 22404-1, 224047-2, and 224047-6
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fluid Metering Pumps - Parts 22404-1, 224047-2, and 224047-6
AN 03-35-2
Overhaul Manual for Dual Pressure Control Valve - Parts 39-069A and 39-069B
Overhaul Manual for Dual Pressure Control Valve - Parts 39-069A and 39-069B
Report No. 8-126
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
AN 03-10BA-88
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-9F1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-9F1
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-100
Overhaul for Submerged Booster Pump - Models TB117300-3, TB117300-5 and 245200-1
Overhaul for Submerged Booster Pump - Models TB117300-3, TB117300-5 and 245200-1
1-July-1964, FWAM
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-74, T.O. No. 6J10-3-110-3
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model TF54500 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model TF54500 Series
NAVAER 03-10EC-513
Weldon Fluid Metering Pumps - Style E
Weldon Fluid Metering Pumps - Style E
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-1110A-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-1110A-1
NAVAER 03-10-571
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Oil Filter - Type G-205M-5, Part 50834
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Oil Filter - Type G-205M-5, Part 50834
NAVAER 03-10-600
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Oil Cooler Assembly - Model E-36778
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Oil Cooler Assembly - Model E-36778
NAVAER 03-15-553
Operation, Service & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Submerged Booster Pumps
Operation, Service & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Submerged Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EC-15
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Flow Equalizers - Models TM-38100 - TM-38300
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Flow Equalizers - Models TM-38100 - TM-38300
AN 03-10-80
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780 and 7867071
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780 and 7867071
NAVWEPS 03-10HC-502
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Model PD-9F1 and PD-9G1, Increased Adjustment Range, Automatic Mixture Control Unit, Incorporation
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Model PD-9F1 and PD-9G1, Increased Adjustment Range, Automatic Mixture Control Unit, Incorporation
No. 452
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve Part  No. 500-1251
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve Part No. 500-1251
NAVAER 03-30C-518
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tanks - 370 Gallon - Parts 501700 and 501700-501
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tanks - 370 Gallon - Parts 501700 and 501700-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gallon - Part 5556400 and 5556400-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gallon - Part 5556400 and 5556400-501
Operational Difficulties Experienced with Reciprocating Engines when Operating Under Atmospheric Rain, Ice and Snow
Operational Difficulties Experienced with Reciprocating Engines when Operating Under Atmospheric Rain, Ice and Snow
No. 720
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor Model PR-48A4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor Model PR-48A4
T.O. No. 6R1-3-4-14
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF57000-1, TF59700 and TF59700-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF57000-1, TF59700 and TF59700-1
AN 03-10EC-68
Difference Data Sheet for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pump - Model 141082-025-01
Difference Data Sheet for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pump - Model 141082-025-01
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve - Part 9100
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve - Part 9100
T.O. No. 6J15-16-5-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Totally Submerged Water Injection Pump - Part RR9700B
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Totally Submerged Water Injection Pump - Part RR9700B
T.O. No. 6R5-2-21-4
Overhaul Instruction for Supercharger Regulators, Ch 63 Part B
Overhaul Instruction for Supercharger Regulators, Ch 63 Part B
T.O. No. 03-1-6
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Auxiliary - 60 Gallon Fuel Tank - Model 148K68510-1
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Auxiliary - 60 Gallon Fuel Tank - Model 148K68510-1
Overhaul Instructions for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11250, RG11250A, and RG11250A1
Overhaul Instructions for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11250, RG11250A, and RG11250A1
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-510
Overhaul Manual for Check Valve 8C125
Overhaul Manual for Check Valve 8C125
No. 82-30-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Water Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Water Injection Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-531
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
T.O. No. 6J10-3-24-4
Dynamic Balancing of Supercharger Rotor Assemblies
Dynamic Balancing of Supercharger Rotor Assemblies
T.O. No. 03-10D-4
Overhaul Changes Applicable to Bendix Models PD, PT, and PR Injection Carburetors
Overhaul Changes Applicable to Bendix Models PD, PT, and PR Injection Carburetors
T.O. No. 03-10BA-5
Overhaul Instructions for Manual Fuel Selector Valves - Type FX - Size 16 - Parts 1804, 1804-1, and 1804-2
Overhaul Instructions for Manual Fuel Selector Valves - Type FX - Size 16 - Parts 1804, 1804-1, and 1804-2
AN 03-10ABB-195
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG984
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG984
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-503
Overhaul Instructions for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Pressure Switches
Overhaul Instructions for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Pressure Switches
NAVAER 03-10-615
Overhaul Instructions for Centerline Tip Tank - Model T2V-1 - 230 Gal - Part 634100-1, 634100-2
Overhaul Instructions for Centerline Tip Tank - Model T2V-1 - 230 Gal - Part 634100-1, 634100-2
NAVAER 03-10JC-1
Blocking Off Full-Rick Mixture Position on Aircraft with Stromberg Injection Type Carburetors
Blocking Off Full-Rick Mixture Position on Aircraft with Stromberg Injection Type Carburetors
T.O. No. 01-1-185
Overhaul Instructions for Totally Submerged Water Injection Pump - Model RR-9700-B
Overhaul Instructions for Totally Submerged Water Injection Pump - Model RR-9700-B
T.O. No. 6R5-2-21-3 (formerly 03-10L-7)
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
NAVAER 03-10EC-515
Use of Carburetor Air Screens
Use of Carburetor Air Screens
T.O. No. 01-1-70
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Model RG5200F - Type AN4101
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Model RG5200F - Type AN4101
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-12
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
NAVAER 03-10HC-502
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Motor Driven Turbine Pump - Model 17976-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Motor Driven Turbine Pump - Model 17976-2
NAVAER 03-10EM-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Vacuum Pump Assembly
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Vacuum Pump Assembly
NAVAER 03-10EA-521
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Parts 7008780 and 7867071
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Parts 7008780 and 7867071
NAVWEPS 03-10HC-501
Interchangeability Charts - Carburetors Assemblies and Components for Aircraft
Interchangeability Charts - Carburetors Assemblies and Components for Aircraft
T.O. No. 00-45AC-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Electric Shut-Off Gate Valves
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Electric Shut-Off Gate Valves
NAVAER 03-10-535
Parts List for Fuel Pressure Regulator - 59A79 Series
Parts List for Fuel Pressure Regulator - 59A79 Series
Parts List No. 59A79-X3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-52
Provisioning Parts Breakdown of Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RG11260A3
Provisioning Parts Breakdown of Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RG11260A3
List No. 674.7
Overhaul Instructions for Selector Cocks
Overhaul Instructions for Selector Cocks
AN No. 03-10-75
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Shut-Off Valve
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Shut-Off Valve
NAVAER 03-10ABB-719
Parts Catalog for Float Switch - Model F-2702
Parts Catalog for Float Switch - Model F-2702
AN 03-10-141
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Models RR-9110 and RR-15780
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Models RR-9110 and RR-15780
AN 03-10LDA-12
Overhaul Manual for Submerged Booster Pumps - Models TB102200, TB102200-2, XTB102200
Overhaul Manual for Submerged Booster Pumps - Models TB102200, TB102200-2, XTB102200
T.O. No. 6J10-3-52-3
Weldon Metering Pumps - Style A - General Description with Parts List
Weldon Metering Pumps - Style A - General Description with Parts List
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Heater and Strainer with By-Pass Indication - Parts UA524240-2, UA524240-3, and UA-524240-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Heater and Strainer with By-Pass Indication - Parts UA524240-2, UA524240-3, and UA-524240-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps Parts List No. 135077, 135087, 135111, 135078, 135088, 135112, 135081, 135105, 135133, 135082, 135106, 135134
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps Parts List No. 135077, 135087, 135111, 135078, 135088, 135112, 135081, 135105, 135133, 135082, 135106, 135134
T.O. No. 6R5-4-2-4, AN 03-10CA-17
Cleaning of Carburetor Air Filters
Cleaning of Carburetor Air Filters
T.O. No. 01-1-23
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 56881
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 56881
NAVWEPS 03-10EM-15
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Nipple-Strainer Assembly - 8192
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Nipple-Strainer Assembly - 8192
NAVAER 03-10-622
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-507
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control Models 40027 and 400470
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control Models 40027 and 400470
AN 03-10FAB-1
Fuel Metering Units, Replacement of Inspection Plates
Fuel Metering Units, Replacement of Inspection Plates
No. 716
Parts Catalog for Aircraft Carburetors
Parts Catalog for Aircraft Carburetors
AN 03-10BC-4
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4, and H-7
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4, and H-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-11
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Air Vapor Control Valves
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Air Vapor Control Valves
T.O. No. 03-10-23
Overhaul Instructions for Motor Operated Gate Valve - AV-16B Series - Part AV-16B1139B and Similar Valves
Overhaul Instructions for Motor Operated Gate Valve - AV-16B Series - Part AV-16B1139B and Similar Valves
NAVAER 03-10ABB-566
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Parts 7008780 and 7867071
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Parts 7008780 and 7867071
NAVWEPS 03-10HC-502
Component Maintenance with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Microseal Thermal Expansion Relief Valve Assembly - Part 21700-1001
Component Maintenance with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Microseal Thermal Expansion Relief Valve Assembly - Part 21700-1001
No. 32-44-41
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Water Alcohol Injection Pump - Part 6333-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Water Alcohol Injection Pump - Part 6333-3
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions for Electrically Operated Fuel Level Gages
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions for Electrically Operated Fuel Level Gages
AN 05-65A-6
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown Fuselage Tank Vent Valve - Part 763700-11
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown Fuselage Tank Vent Valve - Part 763700-11
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG-9030
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG-9030
NAVAER 03-10EB-502
Instructions on Stromberg NA-F7C Carburetors
Instructions on Stromberg NA-F7C Carburetors
Overhaul Instructions for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12020B
Overhaul Instructions for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12020B
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-35
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Selector Switch Assembly - B267-5
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Selector Switch Assembly - B267-5
NAVAER 03-10R-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Flow Indicator - B-201
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Flow Indicator - B-201
NAVAER 03-10-630
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 56881
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 56881
NAVWEPS 03-10EM-15
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hand Pump Assembly - 84547-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hand Pump Assembly - 84547-1
NAVAER 03-10EU-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Shuttle Valve - Part 423 A-4BBB
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Shuttle Valve - Part 423 A-4BBB
NAVAER 03-10ABB-733
Overhaul Instructions for Adapter Valve, Safety Cap and Dual Diaphragm Unit - Part 1322-527058 and 8-850-3
Overhaul Instructions for Adapter Valve, Safety Cap and Dual Diaphragm Unit - Part 1322-527058 and 8-850-3
AN 03-10-164
Parts List for Pump Assembly
Parts List for Pump Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-29
Overhaul Instructions for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 255 Gal Capacity - Part ST2-165 and 90-4800-A
Overhaul Instructions for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 255 Gal Capacity - Part ST2-165 and 90-4800-A
AN 03-10JA-20
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Hydro-Metering Carburetor Model 58CPB-4
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Hydro-Metering Carburetor Model 58CPB-4
AN 03-10BF-1
Overhaul Instructions for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Models RG8825F and RG8825A
Overhaul Instructions for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Models RG8825F and RG8825A
T.O. No. 6R5-2-20-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
NAVAER 03-10EC-516
Overhaul Instructions for Pressure Switches
Overhaul Instructions for Pressure Switches
T.O. No. 8S2-2-5-3, Formerly AN 03-10-72
Storage and Handling of Fuel and Oil Cells (Synthetic Rubber and Metal)
Storage and Handling of Fuel and Oil Cells (Synthetic Rubber and Metal)
T.O. No. 03-10J-5
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG9840
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG9840
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-504
Overhaul Instructions for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024693 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024693 Series
NAVWEPS 03-10EA-99, T.O. No. 6J10-5-6-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Parts Catalog for Water Injection Regulators
Parts Catalog for Water Injection Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-2, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control - Model CJ-N1 - Parts List 330725-22
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Turbine Engine Main Fuel Control - Model CJ-N1 - Parts List 330725-22
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Regulator and Relief Assembly - Part 12410
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Regulator and Relief Assembly - Part 12410
T.O. No. 9H8-3-38-23
Overhaul Instructions for Wing Tank Pressure Regulator Valve Part No. 1361-586592M2
Overhaul Instructions for Wing Tank Pressure Regulator Valve Part No. 1361-586592M2
NAVWEPS 03-30CG-94
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Solenoid-Actuated Supercharger Control Part No. 1359-526565
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Solenoid-Actuated Supercharger Control Part No. 1359-526565
NAVAER 03-10D-508
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Power Driven Rotary Pump - RGI5980 Series
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Power Driven Rotary Pump - RGI5980 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Types B-5B, B-5C, B-18, B-19, and B-25
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Types B-5B, B-5C, B-18, B-19, and B-25
T.O. No. 6R5-2-4-23, Formerly 03-10EC-25
Maintenance Instructions for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 59A79
Maintenance Instructions for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 59A79
Part No. 87A53
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-502
Service & Maintenance Instructions for Supercharger Regulators, Ch 63 Part A
Service & Maintenance Instructions for Supercharger Regulators, Ch 63 Part A
T.O. No. 03-1-6
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Filter Assembly, Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fuel Part No. 5447915-503, 5447915-505
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Filter Assembly, Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fuel Part No. 5447915-503, 5447915-505
NAVWEPS 03-10M-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB116900
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB116900
NAVAER 03-10EC-71
Modification of Flow Bench Stromberg Injection Carburetor
Modification of Flow Bench Stromberg Injection Carburetor
Service Bulletin No. 682 (Rev. 5)
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - RG11260, RG11260A1, and RG11260A3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - RG11260, RG11260A1, and RG11260A3
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-28
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Types B-5B, B-5C, B-18, B-19 and B-25
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - Types B-5B, B-5C, B-18, B-19 and B-25
T.O. No. 6R5-2-4-24
Overhaul Manual for Ball Drain Valve - Part 12D117-4
Overhaul Manual for Ball Drain Valve - Part 12D117-4
No. 38-00-01
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11920, RG11920-1, RG11920-2, and RG11920-A1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11920, RG11920-1, RG11920-2, and RG11920-A1
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-31
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gallon - Parts 5556400 and 5556400-501
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tank Assembly - 400 Gallon - Parts 5556400 and 5556400-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Oil Tank Sequence Valves
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Oil Tank Sequence Valves
NAVAER 03-15-550, AN 03-15CE-5
Instruction Manual for Holley Aircraft Carburetors Models 1375F and 1685F
Instruction Manual for Holley Aircraft Carburetors Models 1375F and 1685F
Third Edition
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Booster Pumps
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EA-2
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Models RR-9110
Overhaul Instructions for Portable Bilge & Refueling Unit - Models RR-9110
AN 03-10LDA-12
Deletion of Zinc Chromate Primer in Integral Fuel Tank Sealing Procedure
Deletion of Zinc Chromate Primer in Integral Fuel Tank Sealing Procedure
T.O. No. 01-1-223
Inspection of Stromberg Injection Carburetors Following Six Months to One Year Storage and in Excess of One Year Storage Prior to Being Placed in Service
Inspection of Stromberg Injection Carburetors Following Six Months to One Year Storage and in Excess of One Year Storage Prior to Being Placed in Service
No. 668
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer Assembly - 50-1496-001, 50-1496-002
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer Assembly - 50-1496-001, 50-1496-002
NAVAER 03-10A-511
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump - 100-689 and 100-689-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump - 100-689 and 100-689-1
NAVAER 03-10GLM-502
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
T.O. No. 6J10-3-27-4, formerly 03-10EN-3
Inspection of Diaphragms in Storage Prior to Use
Inspection of Diaphragms in Storage Prior to Use
Service Bulletin No. 697
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Speed Switch - Part 2900600-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Speed Switch - Part 2900600-1
Incorporation of PD Poppet Valve and Seat Assembly for Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Incorporation of PD Poppet Valve and Seat Assembly for Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Service Bulletin No. 826
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
NAVAER 03-10LDA-502
Replacement of Seal Assemblies and Diaphragms for AN4100 (G-6) and AN4101 (G-9)
Replacement of Seal Assemblies and Diaphragms for AN4100 (G-6) and AN4101 (G-9)
T.O. No. 03-10ED-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tanks - 370 Gallon - Parts 507100 and 501700-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tanks - 370 Gallon - Parts 507100 and 501700-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Strainer - Part U-980
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Strainer - Part U-980
NAVAER 03-10A-504
Maintenance Procedures for Fuel Analyzers on UC and Training Type Airplanes
Maintenance Procedures for Fuel Analyzers on UC and Training Type Airplanes
T.O. No. 01-1-188
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions w Parts Catalog for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions w Parts Catalog for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly
Overhaul Instructions for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Overhaul Instructions for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models TB131300-3 and 238900-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models TB131300-3 and 238900-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-77
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Console Electric Additive Counter - Part C10-31-312
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Console Electric Additive Counter - Part C10-31-312
NAVAER 03-10RB-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Dual Indicator Switch Assembly - Part F-8160
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Dual Indicator Switch Assembly - Part F-8160
NAVAER 03-10-607
Restricting Use of Manual Mixture Control Setting Above 10,000 Ft Altitude
Restricting Use of Manual Mixture Control Setting Above 10,000 Ft Altitude
T.O. No. 01-1-211
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve Assembly - Parts 8035, 8035A, 8035B
Overhaul Instructions for Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve Assembly - Parts 8035, 8035A, 8035B
NAVAER 03-10ABB-589
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Switch 33100-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Switch 33100-3
NAVAER 03-10RA-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-17
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Model 7H-VE1 Barometric Antileak Valve
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Model 7H-VE1 Barometric Antileak Valve
AN 03-10DA-29
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vent Shutoff Valve - Part 22-2150-001 and 22-2150-002
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vent Shutoff Valve - Part 22-2150-001 and 22-2150-002
NAVAER 03-10ABB-764
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Parts Catalog for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F-3498-2
Parts Catalog for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F-3498-2
AN 03-10LKA-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11620-2 and RR11620-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11620-2 and RR11620-3
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-37
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Tanker Dump Spout Cylinder Assembly - 3665373
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Tanker Dump Spout Cylinder Assembly - 3665373
NAVAER 03-10A-17
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Float Switch - F-4401
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Float Switch - F-4401
AN 03-10-156
Parts Catalog for Ball Type Drain Valves
Parts Catalog for Ball Type Drain Valves
NAVWEPS 03-1-84, T.O. No. 6R9-4-1-44
Table of Credit - Maintenance & Overhaul Parts for Marvel Schebler Carburetors
Table of Credit - Maintenance & Overhaul Parts for Marvel Schebler Carburetors
T.O. No. 00-35E-50
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pumps - Models 122132-010-01 and 122132-020-01
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pumps - Models 122132-010-01 and 122132-020-01
AN 03-10EA-65
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Manually Over-Ridden Check Valves - Parts 308700 and 308700-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Manually Over-Ridden Check Valves - Parts 308700 and 308700-1
NAVWEPS 03-10ABB-730
Preparation of Carburetors and Direct Fuel Injection Systems for Storage
Preparation of Carburetors and Direct Fuel Injection Systems for Storage
T.O. No. 03-10-54
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type D-3 Hand Refueling Pump
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type D-3 Hand Refueling Pump
T.O. No. 03-10A-4
Replacement of Electric Primer Unit Needle on Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Replacement of Electric Primer Unit Needle on Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Service Bulletin No. 803 (Rev. 1)
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type PS-5C Injection Carburetor
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type PS-5C Injection Carburetor
AN 03-10BJ-1
Overhaul with Parts for 370 Gallon Tank and Ejector Pylon Assembly - Parts 26-370-4843 and 26-370-4845
Overhaul with Parts for 370 Gallon Tank and Ejector Pylon Assembly - Parts 26-370-4843 and 26-370-4845
NAVWEPS 03-10JA-22, T.O. No. 6J14-2-18-3
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Engine-Driven & Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pumps
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Engine-Driven & Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pumps
AN 03-10EC-10
Inspection of Fuel Cell Attaching Bolts and Hose Clamps for Self Sealing Fuel Cells
Inspection of Fuel Cell Attaching Bolts and Hose Clamps for Self Sealing Fuel Cells
T.O. No. 01-1-319
Overhaul Instructions for Direct Fuel Injection Nozzles
Overhaul Instructions for Direct Fuel Injection Nozzles
NAVWEPS 03-10CAA-501
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
NAVAER 03-10EX-506
Parts Price List for Check Valve 3 1-2 inch - Model M-915
Parts Price List for Check Valve 3 1-2 inch - Model M-915
Modification Kit Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve - Parts 1251 to 9100
Modification Kit Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Tip Tank Disconnect Valve - Parts 1251 to 9100
T.O. No. 6J15-16-5-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Spring Loaded Shuttle Valve - Part 980
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Spring Loaded Shuttle Valve - Part 980
NAVAER 03-10-601
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Models PD-9F1 and PD-9G1, Increased Adjustment Range, Automatic Mixture Control Unit, Incorporation
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Models PD-9F1 and PD-9G1, Increased Adjustment Range, Automatic Mixture Control Unit, Incorporation
No. 360
Overhaul Instructions for Oil Transfer Electric Motor Driven Pump - Model RG9840
Overhaul Instructions for Oil Transfer Electric Motor Driven Pump - Model RG9840
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-503
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-3258-810H
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-3258-810H
Overhaul Manual for Flowmeter Power Supply - Type TJ-51 - Models 8TJ51GAA5 and 8TJ51GBB5
Overhaul Manual for Flowmeter Power Supply - Type TJ-51 - Models 8TJ51GAA5 and 8TJ51GBB5
No. 73-30-11
Parts Catalog for Fuel Line Selector Cock
Parts Catalog for Fuel Line Selector Cock
AN 03-10-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part 52-1106-010
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part 52-1106-010
NAVAER 03-10A-508
Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RG11260  - Incorporate a Spray Tube
Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RG11260 - Incorporate a Spray Tube
Service Bulletin No. 1
Parts Catalog for Line Type Water Injection Units
Parts Catalog for Line Type Water Injection Units
AN 03-10LDA-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Motor Operated Gate Valve - Parts AV16B1674B and AV16B1760B
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Motor Operated Gate Valve - Parts AV16B1674B and AV16B1760B
T.O. No. 6J15-10-185-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor-Driven Water Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor-Driven Water Injection Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-533
Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Model MA-3
Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Model MA-3
Folder No. 143
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Turbine Driven Superchargers
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Turbine Driven Superchargers
T.O. No. 03-10DA-3
Inspection of 75-Gallon Auxiliary Fuel Tank Attachment Fittings
Inspection of 75-Gallon Auxiliary Fuel Tank Attachment Fittings
T.O. No. 01-1-203
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-502
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Heather Pump - Models TF-53300-1 and TF-53300-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Heather Pump - Models TF-53300-1 and TF-53300-3
AN 03-10EC-65
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Improved Balance Diaphragm Clamping Configuration and/or Front Body Cover
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Improved Balance Diaphragm Clamping Configuration and/or Front Body Cover
No. 745
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pumps - Series 7900
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Water Injection Pumps - Series 7900
T.O. No. 6R5-2-23-3, formerly AN 03-10LJA-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Full Heater and Strainer Assembly
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Full Heater and Strainer Assembly
T.O. No. 6J5-56-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Filter Assembly - Part 248202-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Filter Assembly - Part 248202-1
NAVAER 03-10A-509
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF54500, TF54500-1, and TF54500-6
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF54500, TF54500-1, and TF54500-6
NAVAER 03-10EC-513
Parts Catalog for Needle Valve Assemblies
Parts Catalog for Needle Valve Assemblies
AN 03-1-93
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-1183-16
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-1183-16
NAVAER 03-10M-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-2061-8
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-2061-8
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models TB131300-3, 238900-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models TB131300-3, 238900-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-77
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1007
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1007
NAVAER 03-10EN-503
Overhaul for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
Overhaul for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-11, T.O. No. 6J10-3-115-3
Instructions with Parts for Engine-Driven Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, G-6, G-9 and G-10
Instructions with Parts for Engine-Driven Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, G-6, G-9 and G-10
AN 03-10ED-1
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Series P4CA-4A Four Engine Primer
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Series P4CA-4A Four Engine Primer
AN 03-10-33
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
AN 03-10EM-12, T.O. No. 6R5-2-17-3
Aviation Fuels and Their Effects on Engine Performance
Aviation Fuels and Their Effects on Engine Performance
NAVAER 02-1-511, T.O. No. 06-5-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly
NAVAER 03-10A-516
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Manifold Pressure Regulators
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Manifold Pressure Regulators
AN 03-10D-9
Overhaul Instructions for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024692-102-14-13
Overhaul Instructions for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024692-102-14-13
NAVWEPS 03-10EA-99, T.O. No. 6J10-5-6-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
T.O. No. 6R5-2-22-4
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Carburetors - Model 100CPB-7
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Carburetors - Model 100CPB-7
AN 03-10BE-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - Models A7008, A7011 and Isolation Valve - Model A8000A1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - Models A7008, A7011 and Isolation Valve - Model A8000A1
NAVWEPS 03-10F-10
Replacement of Fuel Booster Pump Diaphragm Seal Assembly
Replacement of Fuel Booster Pump Diaphragm Seal Assembly
T.O. No. 03-10EC-11
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fueling and Defueling Unit Assembly - Parts 42-1137-000 and 42-1137-001
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fueling and Defueling Unit Assembly - Parts 42-1137-000 and 42-1137-001
NAVAER 03-10A-506
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Shut-Off Valves
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Shut-Off Valves
AN 03-10-2
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-509
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pumps - Models TB102200-2, TB102200, XBT102200
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pumps - Models TB102200-2, TB102200, XBT102200
T.O. No. 6J10-3-52-4
Service Information with Test Procedures and Parts List for Fluid Metering Pumps
Service Information with Test Procedures and Parts List for Fluid Metering Pumps
Manual Leaning of Automatic Carburetors and Direct Fuel Injectors
Manual Leaning of Automatic Carburetors and Direct Fuel Injectors
T.O. No. 01-1-276
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve - Part 12360-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Solenoid Operated Fuel Shutoff Valve - Part 12360-3
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-52
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
NAVAER 03-10LDA-501
Parts Catalog for Water Injection Regulators
Parts Catalog for Water Injection Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-2, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Butterfly Valves
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Butterfly Valves
T.O. No. 6R9-10-1-64, Formerly AN 03-1-110
Rigging of the Manual Mixture Control Lever on Airplanes Equipped with Holley Carburetors
Rigging of the Manual Mixture Control Lever on Airplanes Equipped with Holley Carburetors
T.O. No. 01-1-135
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Injection Carburetor Model 1900CPB-3
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Injection Carburetor Model 1900CPB-3
AN 03-10BG-1
Overhaul Manual with Parts Catalog for - Manually Operated Rotary Plug Valve  AV-16D1120B, Pull Out Valve AV-16D1121B, and Housing Assembly AV-16F1103
Overhaul Manual with Parts Catalog for - Manually Operated Rotary Plug Valve AV-16D1120B, Pull Out Valve AV-16D1121B, and Housing Assembly AV-16F1103
No. 28-1-1
Overhaul Instructions for 370 Gallon Fuel Tanks - Parts 501700, 501700-501
Overhaul Instructions for 370 Gallon Fuel Tanks - Parts 501700, 501700-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Parts Catalog for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F-3498-2
Parts Catalog for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F-3498-2
AN 03-10LKA-2
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for High Limit Fuel Level Indicator - F-6368M1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for High Limit Fuel Level Indicator - F-6368M1
AN 03-10-171
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model 201700-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model 201700-2
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-82, T.O. No. 6J10-3-90-4
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Supercharger Regulator Type 581
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Supercharger Regulator Type 581
AN 03-10D-10
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Level Limit Switch Assembly
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Level Limit Switch Assembly
NAVAER 03-10-626
Replacement of Diaphragm Retaining Plate on Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Replacement of Diaphragm Retaining Plate on Bendix-Stromberg Carburetor
Service Bulletin No. 779
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-9G1
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PD-9G1
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-97
Overhaul Instructions for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 255 Gal Capacity - Part ST2-165+90-4800-A
Overhaul Instructions for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 255 Gal Capacity - Part ST2-165+90-4800-A
AN 03-10JA-20
Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Model MA-2
Marvel-Schebler Carburetor Model MA-2
Folder No. 148
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB139000-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB139000-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-78
Overhaul Instructions for Stromberg Injection Carburetor - Models PT-13G1, PT-3G5, PT-13G6, and PT-13D6
Overhaul Instructions for Stromberg Injection Carburetor - Models PT-13G1, PT-3G5, PT-13G6, and PT-13D6
T.O. 6R1-3-6-3
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown - Fuel Booster Pump - Part 71154
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown - Fuel Booster Pump - Part 71154
Bulletin No. 271-242
Overhaul Instructions for Double Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Overhaul Instructions for Double Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
AN 03-10EC-43
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Switch Assembly
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Switch Assembly
NAVAER 03-10-595
Overhaul Instructions for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10CA-23
Pesco Accessories for the Aircraft Industry
Pesco Accessories for the Aircraft Industry
Bulletin No. 118
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-52
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 150 Gallon
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 150 Gallon
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - TF57000-1, TF59700 and TF59700-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - TF57000-1, TF59700 and TF59700-1
AN 03-10EC-68
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vacuum Warning Unit - Part 3124-1-A-18
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vacuum Warning Unit - Part 3124-1-A-18
NAVAER 03-10-590
Handbook of Inspection Standards for Rubber and Nylon Fuel Cells
Handbook of Inspection Standards for Rubber and Nylon Fuel Cells
NAVAIR 03-10-633
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centerline Wing Tip Tank - Part 634100-1 and 634100-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centerline Wing Tip Tank - Part 634100-1 and 634100-2
NAVAER 03-10JC-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Vent Relief Valve - Part 3003-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Vent Relief Valve - Part 3003-1
NAVAER 03-10PAD-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Switch - 33100-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Switch - 33100-3
NAVAER 03-10RA-501
Overhaul Instructions for Ball Type Drain Valves
Overhaul Instructions for Ball Type Drain Valves
NAVWEPS 03-1-83, T.O. No. 6R9-4-1-43
Overhaul Instructions for External Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for External Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-528
Test Procedure for Pressure Fuel Servicing Cap - Part 721300
Test Procedure for Pressure Fuel Servicing Cap - Part 721300
Spec No. 634060
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type B-7A Fuel Booster Pump
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type B-7A Fuel Booster Pump
AN 03-10EH-1
Air Induction Fuel and Oil Systems
Air Induction Fuel and Oil Systems
TM 1-407
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Float Arm Type Switch Assembly - Models S-9100-1, S-9100-2, S-9200-1, and S-9200-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Float Arm Type Switch Assembly - Models S-9100-1, S-9100-2, S-9200-1, and S-9200-2
NAVAER 03-10-557
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-3258-810H
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-3258-810H
Overhaul Instructions w Parts Catalog for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - 258800-3 and 258800-5
Overhaul Instructions w Parts Catalog for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - 258800-3 and 258800-5
No. 49-30-1
Discontinuance of Carburetor, Bendix-Stromberg Gasket and Diaphragm Sets
Discontinuance of Carburetor, Bendix-Stromberg Gasket and Diaphragm Sets
Service Bulletin No. 771
Overhaul Instructions for Fully Submerged Type Water Injection Pumps - RD-8500 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Fully Submerged Type Water Injection Pumps - RD-8500 Series
AN 03-10LDA-5
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Nozzles
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Nozzles
NAVWEPS 03-10CAA-502
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - 5805 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - 5805 Series
Modification of Carburetor Setting Model 1900CPB-3
Modification of Carburetor Setting Model 1900CPB-3
T.O. No. 03-10BG-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Pressure Switch Assembly - Model YMBN
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Pressure Switch Assembly - Model YMBN
NAVAER 03-10-629
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024692 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Axial Piston Pump Assembly - 024692 Series
NAVWEPS 03-10EA-100, T.O. No. 6J10-5-6-4
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Model PD-9F1 and PD-9G1 Flexible Fuel Transfer Line, Incorporation
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Model PD-9F1 and PD-9G1 Flexible Fuel Transfer Line, Incorporation
No. 352
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps
T.O. No. 6R5-4-2-4, AN 03-10CA-17
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
T.O. No. 6J10-3-27-4, formerly T.O. No. 03-10EN-3
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Booster Pump - 60-611 and 60-611A
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Booster Pump - 60-611 and 60-611A
Report No. 8-162
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - TF-56700 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - TF-56700 Series
NAVAER 03-10EC-516
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF57000-1, TF59700 and TF59700-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF57000-1, TF59700 and TF59700-1
AN 03-10EC-69
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900-1 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900-1 Series
T.O. No. 6J10-3-17-3, formerly AN 03-10EC-53
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Control Flap Switch - Model P-401
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Control Flap Switch - Model P-401
NAVAER 03-10-538
Replacement of Thompson Fuel Booster Pump Diaphagm Seal Assembly
Replacement of Thompson Fuel Booster Pump Diaphagm Seal Assembly
T.O. No. 03-10EC-11
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - Models A7008, A7011 and Isolation Valve - Model A8000A1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control - Models A7008, A7011 and Isolation Valve - Model A8000A1
NAVWEPS 03-10F-10
Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Tank Pressure Control
Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Tank Pressure Control
AN 03-10-49
Restricting Use of Manual Mixture Control Setting Above 10,000 Ft Altitude
Restricting Use of Manual Mixture Control Setting Above 10,000 Ft Altitude
T.O. No. 01-1-211
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Model PC-1 Pressure Control
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Model PC-1 Pressure Control
T.O. No. 03-10HA-1
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Parts 60-371A, 60-371B, and 60-371C
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Booster Pump Assembly - Parts 60-371A, 60-371B, and 60-371C
T.O. No. 6J10-3-102-3
Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps
Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps
AN 03-10ED-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Fuel Booster Pump - TB107400, TB107400-1, TB107400-2, and TB107400-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Fuel Booster Pump - TB107400, TB107400-1, TB107400-2, and TB107400-3
NAVAER 03-10EC-527
Overhaul for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
Overhaul for Water Injection Pump - Model RD8500 Series
T.O. No. 6R5-2-22-3
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Fuel Transfer Pump - Models RG-7900-2A, RG-7900-2B
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Fuel Transfer Pump - Models RG-7900-2A, RG-7900-2B
NAVAER 03-10EW-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Cell Fuel Dump Valve - Parts 1-111655 and 1-111655R
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Wing Cell Fuel Dump Valve - Parts 1-111655 and 1-111655R
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Model PD-9F1 and PD-9G1, Discharge Nozzle Fuel Screen, Incorporation
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Model PD-9F1 and PD-9G1, Discharge Nozzle Fuel Screen, Incorporation
No. 455
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Speed Switch Part  No. 2900600-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Speed Switch Part No. 2900600-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Switch - 33100-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Actuated Switch - 33100-3
NAVAER 03-10RA-501
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
NAVAER 03-10HC-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vent Relief Valve Part No. 3003-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Vent Relief Valve Part No. 3003-1
NAVAER 03-10PAD-501
Overhaul for Oil Tank and Sensor Assembly
Overhaul for Oil Tank and Sensor Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-15-83
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB139000-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB139000-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-78
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types A-1, A-2, F-10, G-6, G-9, and G-10
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types A-1, A-2, F-10, G-6, G-9, and G-10
T.O. No. 6R5-3-10-13
Installation of Fuel Nozzle Grounding Receptacle
Installation of Fuel Nozzle Grounding Receptacle
T.O. No. 01-1-130
Required Torque on Synthetic Rubber Fuel and Oil Cell Fitting and Elimination of Sealing Paste
Required Torque on Synthetic Rubber Fuel and Oil Cell Fitting and Elimination of Sealing Paste
T.O. No. 03-10J-3
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Units
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Units
NAVAER 03-10A-503
Replacement of Copper Fluid Lines Forward of the Firewall
Replacement of Copper Fluid Lines Forward of the Firewall
T.O. No. 01-1-278
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, All PD, PT, and PR Series, Diaphragm Retaining Plate, Replacement
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, All PD, PT, and PR Series, Diaphragm Retaining Plate, Replacement
No. 779
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Operated Pneumatic Switch - Part 90500-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Operated Pneumatic Switch - Part 90500-3
NAVAER 03-10-620
Specified and Alternate Grade Fuel for Aircraft Engine Combinations
Specified and Alternate Grade Fuel for Aircraft Engine Combinations
Fuel Boost Pressure System - Low Fuel Pressure Warning - Product Improvement
Fuel Boost Pressure System - Low Fuel Pressure Warning - Product Improvement
Service Bulletin No. 28-04
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
NAVAER 03-10EX-50
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Auxiliary 60 Gal Fuel Tank - Model 148K68510-1
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Auxiliary 60 Gal Fuel Tank - Model 148K68510-1
NAVWEPS 032-10JK-1
Operation and Service Instructions  - Cabin Supercharger S60 Series
Operation and Service Instructions - Cabin Supercharger S60 Series
PUB. NO. OS S60-5-2
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Level Control Switch - F-5657
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Level Control Switch - F-5657
AN 03-10-168
Fuel Selector Valves, Operation, Service, and Overhaul with Parts Catalog
Fuel Selector Valves, Operation, Service, and Overhaul with Parts Catalog
AN 03-10-39
Balanced Fuel Selector Valves - Operations, Service, Overhaul & Parts
Balanced Fuel Selector Valves - Operations, Service, Overhaul & Parts
AN 03-10-41
Turbine Driven Superchargers Type D-2, Overhaul Instruction with Parts
Turbine Driven Superchargers Type D-2, Overhaul Instruction with Parts
No. 03-10DA-9
Fuel Gage Systems - Overhaul Instructions
Fuel Gage Systems - Overhaul Instructions
AN 05-65A-6
PR-48A1 Injection Carburetors Instructions - 03-10BQ-46
PR-48A1 Injection Carburetors Instructions - 03-10BQ-46
Turbine Driven Superchargers - Operation & Service Instruction - 03-10DA-2
Turbine Driven Superchargers - Operation & Service Instruction - 03-10DA-2
Repair of Integral & Removable Metal Fuel & Oil Tanks - 01-1-3
Repair of Integral & Removable Metal Fuel & Oil Tanks - 01-1-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG9840
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Electric Motor Driven Oil Transfer Pump - Model RG9840
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-504
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Aircraft Carburetor
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Aircraft Carburetor
T.O. No. 6R1-2-2-14, NAVAER 03-10BD-502
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - 465C-11-16C
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - 465C-11-16C
Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel System Air Vapor Eliminator Type A-6
Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel System Air Vapor Eliminator Type A-6
T.O. No. 03-10-24
Handbook with Parts Catalog for Fuel Line Selector Cock
Handbook with Parts Catalog for Fuel Line Selector Cock
AN 03-10-1
Handbook Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetors
Handbook Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetors
AN 10BA-3A
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, All PD, PT, and PR Series, Diaphragm Retaining Plate, Replacement
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, All PD, PT, and PR Series, Diaphragm Retaining Plate, Replacement
No. 331
Handbook of Instructions for Supercharger Regulator Test Stand
Handbook of Instructions for Supercharger Regulator Test Stand
T.O. No. 18-1-31
Parts Catalog for Injection Carburetors PD, PR, and PT Series
Parts Catalog for Injection Carburetors PD, PR, and PT Series
T.O. No. 03-10BA-4
Inspection and Rework of Fuel Booster Pump Seals
Inspection and Rework of Fuel Booster Pump Seals
T.O. No. 6-1-502
Puncturing of Derichment Valve Diaphragms
Puncturing of Derichment Valve Diaphragms
T.O. No. 01-1-556
Manual for Stromberg Injection Carburetor, PSH-7BD
Manual for Stromberg Injection Carburetor, PSH-7BD
Form 15-211A
Parts Catalog for PD, PR, and PT Series Injection Carburetors
Parts Catalog for PD, PR, and PT Series Injection Carburetors
T.O. No. 03-10BA-4
Ignition Type TCN-18 & Equipment Used on Turbo Prop Engines
Ignition Type TCN-18 & Equipment Used on Turbo Prop Engines
T.O. No. 8E1-2-14-3
Parts Catalog for Manifold Exhaust Systems
Parts Catalog for Manifold Exhaust Systems
AN 01-1-247
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Oil Filter - Type G-414-5 - Part 61485
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Oil Filter - Type G-414-5 - Part 61485
NAVWEPS 03-10-177
Rework of Tail Wheel Shock Strut Piston - BT-13, BT-13A, BT-13B, BT-15, SNV-1 and SNV-2
Rework of Tail Wheel Shock Strut Piston - BT-13, BT-13A, BT-13B, BT-15, SNV-1 and SNV-2
T.O. No. 01-50B-77
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
T.O. 7J6-4-4-3
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
T.O. 7J6-4-3-3
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
T.O. 7J6-4-4-13
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
T.O. 7J6-4-3-13
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
Fuel Flow Divider Valve Assembly
T.O. 7J6-4-3-23
Fuel Oil Filter
Fuel Oil Filter
T.O. 7R2-3-3
Cone and Swing Restrictor Check Valve
Cone and Swing Restrictor Check Valve
T.O. 7J6-8-2-3
Rework of Skinner Filter, Part No. 450
Rework of Skinner Filter, Part No. 450
T.O. No. 01-1-308
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Motor-Operated Gate Valve - Part AV16B1738D
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Motor-Operated Gate Valve - Part AV16B1738D
T.O. No. 6J15-10-191-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Butterfly Valves
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Butterfly Valves
T.O. No. 6R9-10-1-64, Formerly AN 03-1-110
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-529
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Float Type Carburetors
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Float Type Carburetors
AN 03-10BD-1
Repair Instructions for Self-Sealing Fuel Cells with Parts Lists
Repair Instructions for Self-Sealing Fuel Cells with Parts Lists
T.O. No. 03-10J-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Motor Driven Turbine Pump - Model 17976-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Motor Driven Turbine Pump - Model 17976-2
NAVAER 03-10EM-501
Setting Specifications for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Setting Specifications for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Replacement of Specification Plates on Fuel Metering Units
Replacement of Specification Plates on Fuel Metering Units
Bulletin No. 716 (Rev. 4)
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Heater Pump - Model TF-53300-1
AN 03-10EC-64
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Modulating Hot Air Valve - Part 67-2790-001
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Modulating Hot Air Valve - Part 67-2790-001
T.O. No. 15E2-2-56-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Identification Markings of Winterized Thompson Submerged Type Fuel Booster Pumps
Identification Markings of Winterized Thompson Submerged Type Fuel Booster Pumps
T.O. No. 03-10EC-12
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models 64-1063-1, 64-1063-11, and 641063-11A
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models 64-1063-1, 64-1063-11, and 641063-11A
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-504
Overhaul Instructions for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Models RG8825F and RG8825A
Overhaul Instructions for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Models RG8825F and RG8825A
T.O. No. 6R5-2-20-3
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Engine Control Type C-1 Model 3GPC1A1
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Engine Control Type C-1 Model 3GPC1A1
An 03-10DA-26
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch - M-943
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch - M-943
NAVAER 03-10-568
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-2061-8
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-2061-8
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB116900
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TB116900
NAVAER 03-10EC-71
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Oil Temperature Regulator - 87400
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Oil Temperature Regulator - 87400
NAVAER 03-15-554
Overhaul Manual with Parts List for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Series RG12670
Overhaul Manual with Parts List for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Series RG12670
Overhaul Instructions - Centerline Tip Tank - Model T2V-1 - 230 Gallon - Part 634100-1 and 634100-2
Overhaul Instructions - Centerline Tip Tank - Model T2V-1 - 230 Gallon - Part 634100-1 and 634100-2
NAVAER 03-10JC-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel and Water Pumps
AN 03-10ED-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter Part No. AC-2061-8
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter Part No. AC-2061-8
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Modification of Model RG11870-1 to Model RG11870A1 Centrifugal Water Injection Pump
Modification of Model RG11870-1 to Model RG11870A1 Centrifugal Water Injection Pump
Service Bulletin No. 1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types A-1, A-2, F-10, G-6, and G-10
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types A-1, A-2, F-10, G-6, and G-10
T.O. No. 6R5-3-10-14
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-16
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for 419 Series Aircraft Carburetors
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for 419 Series Aircraft Carburetors
T.O. No. 03-10BC-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Speed Switch - Part 2900600-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Speed Switch - Part 2900600-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 450-0
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter Assembly - Part 450-0
No. E-95
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control - Models 400270 and 400470
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control - Models 400270 and 400470
AN 03-10FAB-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Oil Coolers
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Oil Coolers
NAVAER 03-15-558
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Non-Locking Drain Cock Assembly - 37002S-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Non-Locking Drain Cock Assembly - 37002S-2
Publication No. HB 3-7
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Engine Control Type C-1 Model 3GPC1A1
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Engine Control Type C-1 Model 3GPC1A1
An 03-10DA-26
Service Manual for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Service Manual for Stromberg Injection Carburetor Model PD-12F13
Overhaul Instructions for Fully Submerged Type Water Injection Pump - Series R-8500
Overhaul Instructions for Fully Submerged Type Water Injection Pump - Series R-8500
T.O. No. 6R5-2-22-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TF51000-5
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TF51000-5
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-80
Parts Catalog for Line Type Water Injection Units
Parts Catalog for Line Type Water Injection Units
AN 03-10LDA-3
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58U1 - Parts 390780-13, 390780-15, and 390780-17
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58U1 - Parts 390780-13, 390780-15, and 390780-17
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-504
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Float Carburetor - Model NA-Y9E1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Float Carburetor - Model NA-Y9E1
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-125
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12150
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12150
List No. 632.7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
NAVAER 03-10EC-516
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Console Electric Additive Counter - Part C10-31-312
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Console Electric Additive Counter - Part C10-31-312
NAVAER 03-10RB-501
Parts Price List for Check Valve 4 1/2 INCH - Model M956-4
Parts Price List for Check Valve 4 1/2 INCH - Model M956-4
Sealing Integral Fuel Tanks
Sealing Integral Fuel Tanks
No. M-150-B
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TF51000-5
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Submerged Booster Pump - Model TF51000-5
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-80
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
AN 03-10EC-26
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
NAVWEPS 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer - Part 50-1003-011
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer - Part 50-1003-011
NAVAER 03-10-582
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Electric Regulator Type C-6
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Automatic Electric Regulator Type C-6
AN 03-10DA-30
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Selector Switch Assembly B267-5
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Selector Switch Assembly B267-5
NAVAER 03-10R-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Counter
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Counter
NAVWEPS 03-10RB-502
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-11
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer - 5-450-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer - 5-450-1
AN 03-10-157
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Fuel Heater and Strainer w By-pass Indication - Parts UA524240-2, UA524240-3, and UA524240-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Fuel Heater and Strainer w By-pass Indication - Parts UA524240-2, UA524240-3, and UA524240-4
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12040F
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12040F
No. TP-617
Illustrated Parts for External Centerline Fuel Tank Assembly
Illustrated Parts for External Centerline Fuel Tank Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-10JM-2, T.O. No. 6J14-2-23-4
Parts Catalog for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 165 Gal Capacity - Parts ST2-165-4800 and ST2-165-4803
Parts Catalog for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 165 Gal Capacity - Parts ST2-165-4800 and ST2-165-4803
AN 03-10JB-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Flanged Coupling Assembly - 1.5 Inch - 7238
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Flanged Coupling Assembly - 1.5 Inch - 7238
NAVAER 03-10-621
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Injection Type, Bleed Check Test Procedure, Barometer Correction
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Injection Type, Bleed Check Test Procedure, Barometer Correction
No. 270
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetors Model PD-9F1 Used on R-1300 Engines
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetors Model PD-9F1 Used on R-1300 Engines
Form No. 15-86A
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type CG-3A (42-1000-2) and Special Type 43-900 Fuel Selector Valves
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Type CG-3A (42-1000-2) and Special Type 43-900 Fuel Selector Valves
AN 03-10-55
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900 Series
AN 03-10EC-53
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Solenoid Operated Hydraulic and Pneumatic Shut-Off Valves - 13302 and 13304 Series
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Solenoid Operated Hydraulic and Pneumatic Shut-Off Valves - 13302 and 13304 Series
NAVAER 03-10-532
Operation, Service, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Pressure Switches - Parts M520-1 and M520-2
Operation, Service, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Pressure Switches - Parts M520-1 and M520-2
NAVAER 03-10-526
Overhaul Instructions for Drop Tank Pressure Regulator Valve Part No. 1361-586594M2
Overhaul Instructions for Drop Tank Pressure Regulator Valve Part No. 1361-586594M2
NAVWEPS 03-30CG-95
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Two-Way Oil Check Valve and Two-Way Fuel Check Valve
Operation, Service and Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Two-Way Oil Check Valve and Two-Way Fuel Check Valve
NAVAER 03-15-540
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Tank and Ejector Pylon Assembly - 370 Gallon - Parts 26-370-4843 and 26-370-4845
Overhaul with Parts Breakdown for Tank and Ejector Pylon Assembly - 370 Gallon - Parts 26-370-4843 and 26-370-4845
NAVWEPS 03-10JA-22, T.O. No. 6J14-2-18-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Power Driven Rotary Pump - RG9080 Series
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Power Driven Rotary Pump - RG9080 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300, 6300-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300, 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Model 64-1099-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Alcohol Tank Float Switch - F-6301, F-6301-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Alcohol Tank Float Switch - F-6301, F-6301-1
AN 03-10-170
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-1183-16
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter - Part AC-1183-16
NAVAER 03-10M-501
Overhaul  Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Pressure Warning Unit - Part 3135-13-C-12.5
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Pressure Warning Unit - Part 3135-13-C-12.5
NAVAER 03-10-584
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
NAVAER 03-10EC-516
Overhaul Instructions for Thompson Refueling and Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Thompson Refueling and Booster Pumps
T.O. No. 6R5-2-13-3 (Formerly AN 03-10EC-29)
Overhaul Instructions for Gas Turbine Fuel Control - Model TJ-E4
Overhaul Instructions for Gas Turbine Fuel Control - Model TJ-E4
NAVAER 03-110AAM-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for External Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-529
Overhaul Instructions w Parts for Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump - 100-689 and 100-689-1
Overhaul Instructions w Parts for Electric Motor Driven Hydraulic Pump - 100-689 and 100-689-1
NAVAER 03-10GLM-502
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer Assembly - 50-1294-000
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer Assembly - 50-1294-000
NAVAER 03-10A-513
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Level Control Pilot Valve - Part 737100
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Level Control Pilot Valve - Part 737100
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Maintenance Instructions for Self-Sealing and Bladder Type Fuel, Oil & Water Alcohol Cells
Maintenance Instructions for Self-Sealing and Bladder Type Fuel, Oil & Water Alcohol Cells
NAVWEPS 03-10-513
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Motor Driven Water Injection Pump - Part 141082-025-01
Provisioning Parts Breakdown for Motor Driven Water Injection Pump - Part 141082-025-01
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11920, RG11920-1, RG11920A1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11920, RG11920-1, RG11920A1
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-31
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12150D
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12150D
No. 621
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Top Mounting Fuel Tank Float Switch - Parts F-6609, F-6609-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Top Mounting Fuel Tank Float Switch - Parts F-6609, F-6609-1
AN 03-10-172
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model QD-9D1, Parts 391446-6, and 391446-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model QD-9D1, Parts 391446-6, and 391446-7
NAVWEPS 03-10BH-502
Overhaul for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
Overhaul for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-11, T.O. No. 6J10-3-115-3
Overhaul Instructions for 600 Gallon Fuel Tanks - Parts 501800 and 501800-501
Overhaul Instructions for 600 Gallon Fuel Tanks - Parts 501800 and 501800-501
NAVWEPS 03-10JL-3, T,O. No. 6J14-2-21-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Aircraft Carburetor
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Aircraft Carburetor
NAVAER 03-10BD-502, T.O. No. 6R1-2-2-14
Preliminary Handbook of Intstructions for the Type A-7 Supercharger Regulator
Preliminary Handbook of Intstructions for the Type A-7 Supercharger Regulator
T.O. No. 03-10D-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Motor Operated Shutoff Valve
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Motor Operated Shutoff Valve
T.O. No. 6J15-10-30-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
AN 03-10EC-44
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
Overhaul Instructions for Electric Motor Driven Water Pump - Model RD-7240
NAVAER 03-10LDA-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Heater and Strainer Assembly
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Heater and Strainer Assembly
T.O. No. 6J5-56-3
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Direct Fuel Injection System Model 58-18-A1A
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Direct Fuel Injection System Model 58-18-A1A
AN 03-10CA-1
Preliminary Instructions for Carburetor Air Preheater Controls Containing Thermostatic Control Valves & Servo Units
Preliminary Instructions for Carburetor Air Preheater Controls Containing Thermostatic Control Valves & Servo Units
T.O. No. 03-1-6, Chapter 10 Part AB
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
AN 03-10EM-13, T.O. No. 6R5-2-17-4
Provisioning Part Breakdown for Drain Valve - Part 35641
Provisioning Part Breakdown for Drain Valve - Part 35641
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for 400 Gallon Fuel Tank - Parts 5556400 and 5556400-501
Overhaul Instructions for 400 Gallon Fuel Tank - Parts 5556400 and 5556400-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control 5805 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Control 5805 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Float Carburetor Model NA-R7A used on Jacobs R755 Engines
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Float Carburetor Model NA-R7A used on Jacobs R755 Engines
Form 15-111A
Handbook of Operation and Service Instructions for Float Type Aircraft Carburetors
Handbook of Operation and Service Instructions for Float Type Aircraft Carburetors
T.O. No. 03-10B-1
Instructions on Stromberg NA-S2 and NA-S3 Aircraft Carburetors
Instructions on Stromberg NA-S2 and NA-S3 Aircraft Carburetors
Form No. 10-148-4000-9-40-SPI
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Service Bulletin for Applying Corrosion Electrical Insulating Compound to Certain Parts of Water Injection Pumps - RG8825J
Service Bulletin for Applying Corrosion Electrical Insulating Compound to Certain Parts of Water Injection Pumps - RG8825J
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 150 Gallon
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Tank Assembly - 150 Gallon
Overhaul Instructions for Pressure Warning Units - 3135 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Pressure Warning Units - 3135 Series
AN 03-10-95
Stromberg NA-S3A1 Carburetors
Stromberg NA-S3A1 Carburetors
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps - Engine Driven
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel and Water Pumps - Engine Driven
AN 03-10ED-1
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Transfer Pump Assembly - Model TF135400-2
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Transfer Pump Assembly - Model TF135400-2
NAVAER 03-10EC-72
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Level Control Pilot Valve - Part 737100
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Level Control Pilot Valve - Part 737100
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter Part No. AC-3258-810H
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Filter Part No. AC-3258-810H
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Transfer Pump Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-12, T.O. No. 6J10-3-115-4
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-100B3, PR-100B4  - Parts List 391081-12, 391082-12, 391341-9, and 391469-8
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-100B3, PR-100B4 - Parts List 391081-12, 391082-12, 391341-9, and 391469-8
AN 03-10BA-91, T.O. No. 6R1-3-4-43
Winterization Marking of Fuel Selector Valves
Winterization Marking of Fuel Selector Valves
T.O. No. 03-10EC-13
Winterization Marking of Thompson Fuel Selector Valves
Winterization Marking of Thompson Fuel Selector Valves
T.O. No. 03-10EC-13
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Water Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Water Injection Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-531
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
NAVAER 03-10EX-505
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Nozzle Assembly Part No. 303D442G2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Nozzle Assembly Part No. 303D442G2
T.O. No. 6J8-7-13
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Single Point Ground Refueling Adapter - Part 12-1053-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Single Point Ground Refueling Adapter - Part 12-1053-1
NAVAER 03-10A-515
Replacement of Specification Plates on Fuel Metering Units
Replacement of Specification Plates on Fuel Metering Units
Service Bulletin No. 716 (Rev. 5)
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer FS-1016
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Strainer FS-1016
T.O. No. 6J5-26-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump
NAVWEPS 03-10EX-501
Overhaul Instructions for Hydraulic Windshield Wiper System Components - Control Unit XW2069-3, Speed Control XW2331-3, and 20893-1
Overhaul Instructions for Hydraulic Windshield Wiper System Components - Control Unit XW2069-3, Speed Control XW2331-3, and 20893-1
NAVWEPS 03-10-608
Fuels and Carburetion Technical Manual
Fuels and Carburetion Technical Manual
TM 10-550
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump - Model RG-5490-E
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Filter De-Icing Alcohol Pump - Model RG-5490-E
NAVAER 03-10EB-507
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Pressure Regulator - Part 6315
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900-1
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900-1
AN 03-10EC-53
Thompson Aircraft Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model TF-12900-7
Thompson Aircraft Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model TF-12900-7
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Bottom Mounting Dual Float Switch - F-7242
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Bottom Mounting Dual Float Switch - F-7242
NAVAER 03-10-588
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Models TB117300-3, TB117300-5, 245200-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Booster Pump - Models TB117300-3, TB117300-5, 245200-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-75, T.O. No. 6J10-3-110-4
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-88
Aircraft Induction, Fuel, and Oil Systems
Aircraft Induction, Fuel, and Oil Systems
No. TM 1-407
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump
Overhaul Instructions with Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-33
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Selector Switch Assembly - B267-5
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Selector Switch Assembly - B267-5
NAVAER 03-10R-501
Overhaul Manual for Sump Drain Valve - Part 8D112-1
Overhaul Manual for Sump Drain Valve - Part 8D112-1
No. 28-00-1
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Balanced Fuel Selector Valves
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Balanced Fuel Selector Valves
AN 03-10-41
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780
NAVAER 03-10HC-501
Removal of Fuel Analyzers on UC and Training Type Airplanes
Removal of Fuel Analyzers on UC and Training Type Airplanes
T.O. No. 01-1-188
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Turbine Driven Superchargers Type D-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Turbine Driven Superchargers Type D-2
T.O. No. 03-10DA-9
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-507
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Low Limit Fuel Level Indicator
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Low Limit Fuel Level Indicator
AN 03-10-169
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Thompson Fuel Booster Pumps
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Thompson Fuel Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EC-4
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly
NAVWEPS 03-10HC -1
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780 and 7867071
Overhaul Instructions for Manifold Pressure Regulator Assembly - Part 7008780 and 7867071
NAVWEPS 03-10HC-501
Parts Catalog for Manifold Exhaust Systems (Solar)
Parts Catalog for Manifold Exhaust Systems (Solar)
AN 01-1-247
Parts Catalog for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 165 Gallons Capacity - Parts ST2-165-4800 and ST2-165-4803
Parts Catalog for External Jettison Fuel Tank - 165 Gallons Capacity - Parts ST2-165-4800 and ST2-165-4803
AN 03-10JB-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Level Control Switch - Part F-8132
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Level Control Switch - Part F-8132
NAVAER 03-10-619
Overhaul Instructions with Parts to Solenoid Operated Valve Assemblies - 3-Way - 3000 PSIG - Parts 35-043, 4952, 4954A and 38-081
Overhaul Instructions with Parts to Solenoid Operated Valve Assemblies - 3-Way - 3000 PSIG - Parts 35-043, 4952, 4954A and 38-081
NAVAER 03-10AB-554
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Gate Valve Assemblies
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Gate Valve Assemblies
T.O. No. 6J15-10-57-4
Overhaul Instructions for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F-3498-2
Overhaul Instructions for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F-3498-2
AN 03-10LKA-1
Reworked Assembly Nozzle Bar for Chandler-Evans Carburetor Model 1900CPB-3
Reworked Assembly Nozzle Bar for Chandler-Evans Carburetor Model 1900CPB-3
T.O. No. 03-10BG-7
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Vent Shutoff Valve - 22-1792-003, 22-1792-004, 22-1792-0041 and 22-1792-005
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Vent Shutoff Valve - 22-1792-003, 22-1792-004, 22-1792-0041 and 22-1792-005
NAVAER 03-10ABB-737
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - 41-1579-002, 41-1579-003, and 41-1579-004
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Drain Valve Assembly - 41-1579-002, 41-1579-003, and 41-1579-004
T.O. No. 6J15-4-19-3
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions and Parts Catalog for Low Pressure Fuel Shut-Off Valve - Part 5368
Operation, Service, Overhaul Instructions and Parts Catalog for Low Pressure Fuel Shut-Off Valve - Part 5368
NAVAER 03-10-516
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Thompson Fuel Booster Pumps
Operation, Service, & Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Thompson Fuel Booster Pumps
AN 03-10EC-4
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Boost Pump (Engine Driven) - Part 23900 and 50138
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Boost Pump (Engine Driven) - Part 23900 and 50138
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Models RG8825F and RG8825A
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Power Driven Rotary Pump - Models RG8825F and RG8825A
T.O. No. 6R5-2-20-4
Operation, Service, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Balanced Fuel Selector Valves
Operation, Service, and Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Balanced Fuel Selector Valves
AN 03-10-41
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Delayed Action Velocity Type Fuel Fuse - 853-4-10
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Delayed Action Velocity Type Fuel Fuse - 853-4-10
AN 03-10-163
Parts Catalog for NA Series Float Type Carburetors
Parts Catalog for NA Series Float Type Carburetors
T.O. No. 03-10B-3
Overhaul Instructions for Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy (Whittaker
Overhaul Instructions for Motor Actuated Slide Valve Assy (Whittaker
T.O. No. 6R9-10-1-73, formerly AN 03-10AB-18
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models TB131300-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Models TB131300-3
NAVWEPS 03-10EC-77
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Booster Pump - Model TB127300-1
Overhaul Manual for Fuel Booster Pump - Model TB127300-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Float Arm Type Switch Assembly - S-9000-1 and S-9000-2
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Float Arm Type Switch Assembly - S-9000-1 and S-9000-2
NAVAER 03-10-575
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Fuel Servicing Adapter and Cap - Type A-5 - Part 5123-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Fuel Servicing Adapter and Cap - Type A-5 - Part 5123-4
NAVAER 03-1-601
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF54500, TF54500-1, TF54500-6
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF54500, TF54500-1, TF54500-6
NAVAER 03-10EC-513
Overhaul Manual for External Centerline Fuel Tank
Overhaul Manual for External Centerline Fuel Tank
NAVWEPS 03-10JM-1, T.O. No. 6J14-2-23-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Boost Pump
AN 03-10EM-13, T.O. No. 6R5-2-17-4
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Bottom Mounted Float Switch - F-21190
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Bottom Mounted Float Switch - F-21190
NAVAER 03-10-623
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12150
Production Test Procedure for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR12150
No. TP-473
Service Bulletin for Shut Off Valves - 1262, 1264, 1354 and 1356
Service Bulletin for Shut Off Valves - 1262, 1264, 1354 and 1356
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11810B1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11810B1
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-34
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Sump Tank Assembly - 200-48208
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Sump Tank Assembly - 200-48208
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Solenoid Actuated Supercharger Control - Part 1359-526565
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Solenoid Actuated Supercharger Control - Part 1359-526565
NAVAER 03-10D-508
Parts Breakdown for Manually Operated Gate Valve - AV-16A Series - Part AV-16A1134
Parts Breakdown for Manually Operated Gate Valve - AV-16A Series - Part AV-16A1134
NAVAER 03-10ABB-703
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Manual for Check Valve - 8C129
Overhaul Manual for Check Valve - 8C129
No. 82-30-3
Incorporation of Improved Material Idle Valve Lever and Pin for Models PD-12 and PR-58 Series Carburetors
Incorporation of Improved Material Idle Valve Lever and Pin for Models PD-12 and PR-58 Series Carburetors
Service Bulletin No. 853
Overhaul Manual for Submerged Booster Pumps - Models TB102200, TB102200-2, XTB102200
Overhaul Manual for Submerged Booster Pumps - Models TB102200, TB102200-2, XTB102200
T.O. No. 6J10-3-52-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel and Water Pumps - Types F-10, H-2, H-4 and H-7
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Double Ended Submerged Fuel Booster Pump
AN 03-10EC-44
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manual Fuel Selector Valves - Type FX - Size 16 - Parts 1804, 1804-1, and 1804-2
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Manual Fuel Selector Valves - Type FX - Size 16 - Parts 1804, 1804-1, and 1804-2
AN 03-10ABB-196
Overhaul Instructions for Thermostatic Temperature Control Valves
Overhaul Instructions for Thermostatic Temperature Control Valves
15-Dec-1956, FWAM
NAVAER 03-15-559
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Hydro-Metering Carburetor Model 58CPB-4
Handbook of Instructions with Parts Catalog for Hydro-Metering Carburetor Model 58CPB-4
AN 03-10BF-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve Assembly - Parts 8035, 8035A, and 8035B
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Dual Shuttle Valve Assembly - Parts 8035, 8035A, and 8035B
NAVAER 03-10ABB-590
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900-1 Series
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Pumps - TF-54900-1 Series
T.O. No. 6J10-3-17-3, AN 03-10EC-53
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control Models 40027 and 400470
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Control Models 40027 and 400470
AN 03-10FAB-1
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Torque Valves for Regulator Attaching Stud Nuts, Reduction
Carburetor, Bendix Stromberg, Torque Valves for Regulator Attaching Stud Nuts, Reduction
No. 163
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch - 4000-24
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch - 4000-24
NAVAER 03-10-611
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Water Injection Pump - Model RG8825J
Overhaul Instructions for Water Injection Pump - Model RG8825J
T.O. No. 6R5-2-20-13
Overhaul Instructions for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F3498-2
Overhaul Instructions for Liquid Pressure Regulators - Models F-3498-1 and F3498-2
AN 03-10LKA-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-1110C-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-1110C-1
NAVAER 03-10-573
Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Series RG11920
Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Series RG11920
Service Bulletin No. 3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hand Pump Assembly - 84547-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hand Pump Assembly - 84547-1
NAVAER 03-10EU-501
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-48A3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-48A3
T.O. No. 6R1-3-4-4
Production Test for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RG52400B
Production Test for Motor Driven Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Model RG52400B
Procedure No. 938
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Direct Fuel Injection Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10CA-24
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11920, RG11920-1, RG11920-2, and RG11920-A1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RG11920, RG11920-1, RG11920-2, and RG11920-A1
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-31
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pump - Part 60-151
NAVAER 03-10EX-505
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pumps
NAVWEPS 03-10EN-510
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch 6 PSI - 69000-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Pressure Switch 6 PSI - 69000-1
NAVAER 03-10-577
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part AC-2021-161
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Filter - Part AC-2021-161
Production Test Procedure for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Motor Driven -  Model RG12520
Production Test Procedure for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Motor Driven - Model RG12520
No. 675
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fuel Filter Assembly - Parts 5447915-503 and 5447915-505
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Hydraulic Oil Cooler and Fuel Filter Assembly - Parts 5447915-503 and 5447915-505
NAVWEPS 03-10M-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Switch Assembly - F-7775 and F-7775M
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Switch Assembly - F-7775 and F-7775M
NAVAER 03-10-592
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-1110B-1
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Differential Pressure Switch - P-1110B-1
NAVAER 03-10-572
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
Overhaul Instructions for Water Regulators
AN 03-10LEA-1, T.O. No. 6R6-3-2-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Water Alcohol Injection Pump - Part 6333-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Water Alcohol Injection Pump - Part 6333-3
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Model 7H-VE1 Barometric Antileak Valve
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Model 7H-VE1 Barometric Antileak Valve
AN 03-10DA-29
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Inflight Refueling Pump - Part 6300 and 6300-1
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Booster Pumps
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
Overhaul Instructions for Submerged Fuel Booster Centrifugal Pump - Part RG12210
NAVWEPS 03-10EW-10
Blocking Off Full-Rick Mixture Position on Aircraft Incorporating Stromberg Injection Type Carburetors
Blocking Off Full-Rick Mixture Position on Aircraft Incorporating Stromberg Injection Type Carburetors
T.O. No. 01-1-185
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Injection Pumps
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Engine Driven Injection Pumps
NAVAER 03-10EC-531
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
Overhaul Instructions for Injection Carburetor - Model PR-58E5
NAVWEPS 03-10BA-87
Overhaul Instructions for Magnetic Valve - Types G104A, G104C, and G104D
Overhaul Instructions for Magnetic Valve - Types G104A, G104C, and G104D
AN 03-10ABB-5, T.O. No. 6R9-10-7-3
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Shut-Off Valve
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Shut-Off Valve
NAVAER 03-10ABB-718
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RR11400, RR11400-1
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Booster Pump - Models RR11400, RR11400-1
NAVWEPS 03-10EB-513
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11640C
Overhaul Instructions with Parts for Centrifugal Fuel Booster Pump - Model RR11640C
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tank Assembly - 300 Gallon
Overhaul Instructions for Fuel Tank Assembly - 300 Gallon
Test Procedure for Air Driven Fuel Booster Pump - 60-351D
Test Procedure for Air Driven Fuel Booster Pump - 60-351D
TP 60-351D
Aircraft Fuel Systems
Aircraft Fuel Systems
Second Printing
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valves Models H3 and H3A
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Catalog for Fuel Selector Valves Models H3 and H3A
AN 03-10-53
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF2 and TF3 Series
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Submerged Fuel Booster Pump - Models TF2 and TF3 Series
AN 03-10EC-26
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Boost Pump (Engine Driven) - Part 23900 and 50138
Illustrated Parts Breakdown for Fuel Boost Pump (Engine Driven) - Part 23900 and 50138
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Counter, Console Electric Additive Part No. C10-31-312
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Counter, Console Electric Additive Part No. C10-31-312
NAVAER 03-10RB-501
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Transmitters - Parts 2-662-51, 16-562-51
Overhaul Instructions with Parts Breakdown for Fuel Flow Transmitters - Parts 2-662-51, 16-562-51
NAVWEPS 03-10RE-1, T.O. No. 8S1-2-45-3