Because AirCorps Library is always looking toward better serving the World War II aviation community, we are continually looking to grow our collection of available resources. We understand that a large number of enthusiasts, historians, collectors, and average people out there have WWII aviation materials that they are unsure how to preserve. All of this information is important to us, which is why we encourage the idea of digitizing and sharing it. Donating this material to AirCorps Library not only helps us grow our searchable database, but also ensures that the information is recorded and preserved forever.
At AirCorps Library we know we are not alone in thinking that all history related to World War II aviation deserves to be saved and preserved. We also know that the feeling of community surrounding this era is intense and tight-knit. By becoming a sponsor of a collection of materials on AirCorps Library, you can feel proud to know that you have helped preserve information that might have been otherwise lost. Whether it be a large, or small collection that is sponsored, all efforts go toward the same goal: making sure WWII aviation history stays alive, relevant, and accessible to all future generations.